Selasa, 23 September 2014

cara memperkaya kosa kata bahasa inggris

There are several ways to rich vocabulary, including:
1.      Write, I think writing is the most effective way because in the writing, there are two jobs at once, namely read and write.
2.      Listening to music, listening to music has a high enough influence in vocabulary, especially western music which some people do not understand its meaning, but that's what made us interested to find out what the meaning of the song we hear. especially if the genre of the songs that we hear it in accordance with the current condition of our hearts.
3.      Speaking, speaking also one of the effective ways used to enrich our vocabulary because when we talk to other people there must be some foreign words we've never heard of and we do not know what the word is that we are automatically going to ask or seek know what the word means, thereby also increasing the vocabulary we know.
4.      Watching movies, this one is quite a way in the interest for movie lovers, especially western movies. in which way this one requires a high concentration because we as the audience demanded to understand the story line, while we do not know what the meaning of the word is spoken in the western movie, degan so we must try to find out some of the meaning of words that we do not know.
5.      Reading the book, there was a last resort in my opinion. why read the book I put it in the end because of the condition of Indonesian children who read very low interest of course this means less in interest, for me personally walalupun reading is the most effective way before writing, because when we read there must be some words that are not we know its meaning so that when we read the next word the meaning of which we maksut improper, the case prompted us to search for the meaning of the word so that we can continue to read the next word and sentence, and we too grow automatically treasury.

So, that is tips and ways to rich my vocabulary in English, may be useful for the reader.